The Williston Presbyterian Church was organized by a committee appointed by the Charleston Presbytery and first met in the Williston Baptist Church on September 21, 1920. The initial membership consisted of Mr. A. J. Latimer, Mrs. W. E. Prothro, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cunnigham, Mrs. R. S. Martin, Mrs. H. R. Thomas and Mr. W. C. Cunningham. The Reverend Hugh R. Murchinson, D. D. of the Columbia Seminary faculty was called as supply pastor. For many years the services, through the kindness of friends, were held in the Baptist Church, Methodist Church, Kennedy Hall, and in various homes of the members.
The Reverend Stuart came in 1938 to serve the churches in Allendale, Boiling Springs, Barnwell and Williston. At that time there were only thirteen members. A new building was erected on land donated by Mr. W. E. Prothro. The beautiful stained glass windows were formerly in the old Baptist Church and were given to the Presbyterians by the families of Q. A. Kennedy, Dr. J. L Smith and D. L. Merritt. Philanthropist William Henry Belk of Belk Stores gave the brick for the building. The pulpit was made from an antique organ by the Reverend William D. Stuart. The church was completed and dedicated to the glory of God on January 24, 1941.
The Rev. Cecil Brearly followed the Reverend Stuart as pastor and organized an active Church School.
With the coming of the Savannah River Plant in 1950, the membership of the church began to increase. Regular weekly services were begun with the Reverend Sterling Edwards serving the Williston and Barnwell churches. In 1954 an educational building was erected and later a Hammond organ was installed. The membership had increased to fifty.
The Williston Church was separated from the Barnwell Church in 1958 and the first full time pastor for Williston was the Rev. Charles Cook. An addition to the educational building and a pastor’s study were completed in 1962. One of the Church’s finest hours was when a baptismal font was dedicated in 1962 in honor of Mr. W. C. Cunningham on his 90th birthday.
Fellowship Hall was built and dedicated in January, 1979.